deals with adapted physical educationAbstract
The article deals with Adapted Physical Education, challenges and contributions in inclusive Pedagogical Practice. Objective: to analyze the Adapted Physical Education, its challenges and contributions in the adaptation process, considering the realities of the students in the school. For our reflections and debates, we bring the conceptions of Ferreira (2013), Mauerberg de Castro (2013), Rodrigues (2005), Mantoan (2003), Mittler (2003), in addition to the Federal Constitution of 1988 and LDB Law No. 9394/96, through concepts, ideas and experiences, referring to Adapted Physical Education, revealing the contributions to the formative processes of Inclusive Pedagogical Practices with the overcoming of challenges in everyday school life. Regarding the methodology, we opted for an approach of studies of bibliographical references, with emphasis on the methodological procedures of content analysis. Finally, the research showed that Adapted Physical Education brings benefits and training of learning for students with special educational needs, preparing for life, social promotion and citizenship.
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