evaluate the use of endomarketing in companiesAbstract
This article aims to evaluate the use of endomarketing in companies and its impacts on internal communication and employee engagement. Four volunteers were interviewed through a questionnaire with 30 open questions, covering five axes: Endomarketing, Endomarketing Tools, Motivation, Commitment and Internal Communication, to carry out the field survey. The identities of companies and employees were preserved during the study. The analysis of the collected data allowed to identify the main responses that contributed to the company's engagement. Although endomarketing is a current topic, already existing for at least 32 years, there is still little knowledge about it in the management of companies. Assertive internal communication, provided by endomarketing, aims to develop a more stimulating work environment and a better relationship between bosses and employees, resulting in happier and more willing employees, which can bring greater market value to companies.
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