means of communication have emergedAbstract
With the spread of new digital media, numerous means of communication have emerged, new spaces for reading and new types of texts, which require new literacies from readers to understand and dialogue with multimodal genres. Therefore, it is imperative that, in the school context, the pedagogical practices that value the act of reading be rethought, and that the use of multi-technological resources be intensified to influence and develop multi-literacy in students. The study of this article is justified because the results of state and national exams, in relation to Portuguese language teaching, are not very satisfactory, which is a strong indication that changes in the approach to language teaching are necessary. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the reading profile of parents and students in a 2nd year high school class at a state school in Dois Irmãos-RS. The theoretical basis was built with support in the studies of Bakhtin (2000), Chartier (1999), Cope and Kalantzis (2000), Jouve (2002), Petit (2008), Rojo and Moura (2018) and Santaella (2004). The study is an exploratory, bibliographical, qualitative and action-research research. Regarding the context, data collection was carried out in a state school in the municipality of Dois Irmãos-RS, in a 2nd year high school class with 16 students. As a research tool, a questionnaire was applied to students and parents, with the aim of tracing the reading profile of these students and their families.
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