


DRM paradigm; false memories; cognitive psychology; social cognition.


The production of false memories in a replication of the DRM paradigm in the academic context. Studies about memory are fundamental for Psychology in different aspects and applications. Understanding how memories are stored, evoked, or forgotten is the basis of the Psychology of learning and testimony, among others. An intriguing point is the formation of false memories, that is, a kind of error in the evocation of memory that causes the person to recall events or information that did not occur. The study of missing memories has been developed through the DRM paradigm (Deese-Roediger-McDermott) which consists of the prior presentation of a list of words to be repeated later. The result is that people evoked words associated with those on the list, but which were not presented; that is, they formed false memories (Deese, 1959). To analyze the paradigm in a discipline of the master’s in psychology course at the Catholic University of Petrópolis, the DRM paradigm was reproduced in a collective application with six students of the course, during which the participants were exposed to three different conditions of evocation of the lists of semantically related words presented. The data were analyzed using Excel and Jamovi software. It was possible to observe the confirmation of the DRM paradigm through the evocation of false memories during the experiment.



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Author Biographies

  • Patricia Maria de Azevedo Pacheco

    UCP-Unilasalle RJ - IDOR.


  • Cristiane Moreira da Silva

    UCP-Unilasalle RJ.

  • Luís Antônio Monteiro Campos

    Doutor em psicologia pela UFRJ, coordenador do mestrado em psicologia na universidade católica de Petrópolis, professor da PUC-Rio e da UNILASALLE.

  • Adriana Fagundes de Amorim Trindade

    Mestrando UCP.

  • Amanda Garcia Dantas

    Mestrando UCP.

  • Gabrielle Espósito Cavalcanti

    Mestrando UCP.

  • Julia Bomfim Felippe dos Santos

    Mestrando UCP.

  • Lucimere Milagres Leite Migueis

    Mestrando UCP.

  • Manoel Raimundo de Carvalho Jesus

    Mestrando UCP.


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How to Cite

THE PRODUCTION OF FALSE MEMORIES IN A REPLICATION OF THE DRM PARADIGM IN THE ACADEMIC CONTEXT. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(7), e473521.