digital marketing in dentistryAbstract
With the expansion of competition in the dental labor market, it is necessary to use tools that highlight the dentist and the dental clinic. Digital marketing is one of the available resources that has been growing the most among health professionals who use websites and social networks as a tool. The objective of this work is to describe the benefits of digital marketing in dentistry, through social media recommended by the Code of Dental Ethics. The study was characterized as an integrative literature review with a descriptive qualitative approach. We selected 21 articles related to the theme Marketing of health services, Social Media and Dentistry, published between 2004 and 2023 in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), National Library of Medicine (Pubmed), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Digital marketing has been used as a strategy for the dissemination of dental services in contemporary times and from this analysis, it is concluded that digital marketing contributes strongly to the dissemination of the dentist's work and can considerably affect his professional success. However, its use must be based on conduct consistent with the Code of Dental Ethics, and its knowledge by the dental surgeon is of great importance. It is concluded that digital marketing is an important tool that can be used in conjunction with other types of external and internal marketing, respecting the ethical precepts of the Dental Ethics Council.
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