article has as the main objective to present the experiencesAbstract
This article has as the main objective to present the experiences lived during the Supervised Internship of Computing I, of the Degree course in Computing, of the nucleus of Higher Education of Careiro – NESCAC, of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), held at the João Lobo Educational Center, in the multigrade class 4th and 5th phase of the Modality of Youth and Adult Education. The methodology was carried out as follows: observation, co-participation, the action plan, developed from the problem encountered during the first two stages and finally, the regency, an application that had been evaluated by the full professor. For the didactic proposal it was sought to use adaptive gamification, which met the technological reality of the school, the plurality of people from the EJA public and the forms of learning of the class, aiming to engage the students and streamline the classes, encouraging them to a deep immersion in the literacy process. In this way, a dice game was elaborated, whose board was created manually and enlarged to the size of the room so that the students were the moving pieces that advance the houses, these, identified with the letters of the alphabet, sequentially. As part of the rules, several houses had surprises that directed the pairs to a quiz elaborated in PowerPoint about syllables and formation of disyllabic words, serving as a starting point for the active construction of the process of acquiring literacy skills.
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