


Leadership, Interpersonal Relations, People Management.


Theoretical and empirical reflections on leadership are reconfigured every day as an instrument that leads to the foundation for improving work relations and achieving results for an organization. Seeking to better understand the leader's profile, this article presents some concepts of leadership, reflection on interpersonal relationships in organizations, showing the difficulties in the leader-team relationship, hypothesizing that the leader's profile sometimes guides, sometimes fragments, interpersonal relationships in different fields. and that leadership, therefore, constitutes the technique that enables the construction of a more assertive people management, whether in the public and/or private field. The work also seeks to present means/tools to improve and build interpersonal relationships in work teams that are more lasting, productive and based on reliability, valuing the exchange of scientific knowledge. This article was constructed from bibliographical research, seeking to make a critical reflection through authors and academic articles that discuss the subject and, from this analysis, point out ways that direct the relationship and professional doing to be more harmonious and productive. The research confirmed the hypothesis that the role of the leader is a preponderant factor in the conduct of interpersonal relationships in organizations, and can be seen negatively and/or positively according to the choice of applying the leadership tool and can thus contribute to the achievement of self-realization personal and professional development of employees, as well as the achievement of organizational results.


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Author Biographies

  • Elma Rodrigues dos Santos Martins

    Graduada em Serviço Social, Pós Graduação em Gestão de Pessoas. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Nagma Nascimento Prado

    Especialista em Política de Assistência Social e Gestão do Sistema Único da Assistência Social e em Políticas Públicas Sociais e Intervenção Junto à Familia. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Vanessa Dias Gomes do Prado

    Enfermeira. Especialista em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva em Adultos e Pós-Graduação em Docência do Ensino Superior. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.

  • Luana Gonçalves de Oliveira

    Graduada em Serviço Social. Especialista em Gestão e Planejamento de Políticas Sociais MBA em Gestão Pública. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Gisele Pereira Correia

    Enfermeira, Especialista em Uti Adulto Geral. Hospital e Maternidade Municipal Dr Odelmo Leão Carneiro.

  • Farlene Vieira Silva

    Pós-Graduada em Trabalho com Grupos, Famílias e Organização Comunitária: Rodas Dialógicas de Fala e Escuta. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Giselda Lourismar Pereira Correia

     Residente Multiprofissional em Saúde Mental. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Maria Pena Alves Melo

    Assistente Social, Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas e Desenvolvimento Organizacional. Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia.

  • Janaína Alves Pereira

    Bacharel em Direito. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.

  • Thays Peres Brandão

    Enfermeira. Mestre em Saúde Ambiental e Saúde do Trabalhador pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.


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How to Cite

THE LEADER’S PROFILE AND THE IMPACT ON PEOPLE MANAGEMENT. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483857.