Green roofs, Green roof management, Maintenance of green roofs, Pathological manifestations, Construction technologyAbstract
Green roofs (GR’s) have been proven to be a great and viable alternative to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization, with the power to transform large extensions of grey roofs into green areas. Several studies about GR’s have been held, addressing environmental issues and benefits provided by GR’s. However, there are only a few studies related to construction pathology concerning the issues that technology can present or could cause to buildings. This work has as its main goal to research the major pathological manifestations which can occur in GR’s and the buildings where they are located. This research was carried out through literature review and field research to verify the possible existence of the anomalies presented in literature. In conclusion, that some observed anomalies are related to the non-observance of the technical procedures recommended in the literature during its construction and/or in the management during its life and that periodical maintenance actions must be held to assure the longevity and health of the system. With the necessary attention to the technical procedures for installation and maintenance actions, the technology is safe and does not generate pathological problems, however, in a Brazilian climate this technology demands a greater use of actions for its management.
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