Formal education. Sex education. Teaching virology. Basic education.Abstract
Formal education takes place in school spaces governed by specific legislation. As part of this process, we can mention biology as a common curricular component in all education systems in Brazil. The objective of teaching biology is to form citizens who are knowledgeable about biological processes at a micro and macroscopic level. Sexual education is part of this training with the aim of providing information about sexually transmitted infections, their consequences, therapeutic and prophylactic possibilities. The human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted viral particle, spread worldwide, highly infectious and neglected. The present study was based on the following argument: what is the level of knowledge of students at a full-time public school about the pathogen in question? The results showed that the majority of students participating in the present study do not bring with them information about the pathogen and prophylaxis in question, obtained in elementary school to high school, enabling the permanence and success of pseudoscientific and common sense ideas about HPV. This lack of information on the topic addressed makes students even more vulnerable to the contraction and worsening of pathologies associated with HPV, such as cancer in the female and male cohort.
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