Domestic violence. Femicide. Protective measure.Abstract
In 2021, the 4th Military Police Region of Paraná published, in an innovative way, the approximate monitoring of women victims of domestic violence and who have protective measures against their respective aggressors. It is about seeking the protection of this vulnerable group with the aim of preventing the commission of new attacks and feminicide. Therefore, two years after adopting this stance, this article's central objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of monitoring protective measures in reducing non-compliance rates and reducing domestic violence rates in the region. To this end, it combines qualitative and quantitative aspects, using the dialectical method to interpret the records produced by the police teams during this monitoring period. Also, the database of police reports was searched for the rates of these violations, the illicit of domestic violence and feminicides. However, the article provides a historical overview of the protection of women in the country, listing the main legal diplomas, advances and possibilities related to the protection of Brazilian women. The analysis attests to the complexity of the problem and to a recent effervescence in the Public Power, which in different segments has been focusing on the problem. In this sense, the supervision of protective measures proves to be important and efficient as a tendency to reduce criminal rates is observed.
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