Systemic and organizational learning, knowledge management, decision makingAbstract
This article focuses on the integration of systemic and organizational learning in public administration to improve the quality of decisions. Public administration faces constantly evolving challenges and therefore seeks well-planned strategies. The implementation of an integrated knowledge management system is proposed as an effective approach. Systemic learning analyzes the interconnections between areas, providing a deep understanding of the implications of decisions, while organizational learning is based on reflection on past experiences to guide future approaches. Knowledge management plays a crucial role in facilitating the accumulation, storage and sharing of information, boosting the quality of decisions and promoting innovation.
The central hypothesis of the study suggests that the implementation of an integrated knowledge management system based on systemic and organizational learning can revolutionize decision-making in public administration. This approach minimizes unwanted side effects and offers greater control over actions. The article demonstrates that the combination of these approaches results in more informed decisions, efficient processes and a greater capacity for adaptation and innovation. The contribution seeks improvements in public administration practices, evolving towards the well-being of the community.
It is worth highlighting that systemic and organizational learning, although distinct, are complementary, promoting a culture of continuous learning, collaboration and innovation. Knowledge management plays an essential role in transforming knowledge into an asset accessible to the entire organization, boosting its adaptation and success in an ever-changing environment.
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