Health Education, School Nursing, School Health ServicesAbstract
Objective: To analyze national and international evidence on the role of nurses in health education and in the promotion of school health. Method: Descriptive study of the type Integrative Literature Review (RIL). Data were collected through PubMed, BVS and CINAHL databases. 22 articles were selected and the data were processed using the IRaMuTeQ software. The results were presented by three means: Descending Hierarchical Classification (CHD), Similitude Analysis and Word Cloud. Results: After processing, 3 classes were formed, as follows: The program allows professionals to lead and play their role by implementing education with children; The problem of Bullying in students' lives is related to their mental health; e The school is a very important resource to integrate parents, professionals and school-age children. the most used term in the studies was “school nurse” and is also the bridge for the connection with other terms. Conclusion: The role of the nurse is essential to promote health promotion and prevention through educational actions, increase the bond with the community, strengthen the primary health care (PHC) and the family health strategy (FHS), be the gateway to health services and encourage multidisciplinary care.
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