
  • Brenda Ohana Rocha Hundzinski



Public Safety. Fundamental Rights. Policing.


Public Security and its structuring are delimited in the Federal Constitution, being recognized as a Fundamental Right that aims to ensure the patrimony and physical and psychological safety of individuals, seeking the common good, harmonious coexistence among the citizens of a region, making society stable and maintaining order. Thus, the present work aims to understand the attributions of each police agency, allowing the analysis and adequacy of the planning and actions to be carried out, as well as to present the forms of materialization of the attributions of the public security agencies, which occur through policing. To this end, the classifications and form of existing policing will be presented, delimiting the characteristics of each modality of police action and its primary purpose.


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Author Biography

  • Brenda Ohana Rocha Hundzinski



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How to Cite

THE ORGANIZATION OF POLICE IN BRAZIL. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(10), e4104257.