


I wish; Psychoanalysis; Betrayal; Tradition; Immoral Soul.


Nilton Bonder published his work entitled "The Immoral Soul" in 1998, which also gave rise to the play of the same name presented by actress and playwright Clarice Niskier, in addition to the documentary available on the YouTube channel.
This work is based on what the author called "evolutionary psychology", which points to the body as something moral, which aims to preserve life and the soul as immoral, as its desire is to break with traditions and transcend.
The central focus here is desire and the way in which human beings will behave towards it. The desire is not always in accordance with the dogmas imposed by tradition and a dilemma arises: fulfill the desire and betray the agreements contrary to it or be faithful to the agreements signed and betray the desire itself? Choosing not to cheat is opting for fidelity and trying to ignore other supposed objects of desire, as we were able to recognize in this study, as desires are uncontrollable in feeling, but not in doing.
Based on Bonder's work and anchored in classic works of psychoanalysis, this work aimed to uncover the subject and his (im)moral soul, revealing and exposing what psychoanalysis calls desire. We conclude that desire is at the basis of betrayal and tradition and it is the gaze that differentiates the moral from the immoral and, in the end, we realize that “betrayal is inevitable”          


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Author Biographies

  • Sueli Florentina Alves

    Graduada no curso de Psicologia pela Universidade de Santo Amaro-UNISA

  • teacher advisor, University of Santo Amaro - UNISA

    Dr. Gerson Heidrich da Silva

    Professor/Supervisor Clínica Psicologia

    Universidade de Santo Amaro - UNISA

  • Yndianara Souza Soares, University of Santo Amaro - UNISA

    Yndianara Souza Soares estudante graduada no curso  de Psicologia pela Universidade Santo Amaro (UNISA)

  • Hernani Kaiser Alves, University of Santo Amaro - UNISA
    Postgraduate student of the Psychology course at Santo Amaro University.



BONDER, Nilton. A Alma Imoral: Traição e Tradição Através dos Tempos. Rio de Janeiro. Editora Rocco. 1998.

TENDLER, Silvio. A Alma Imoral (Documentário). Disponível em: ALMA IMORAL | Filme. Acessado em 11/12/2022.

SILVA, Prof. Dr. Gerson Heidrich da e SOARES, Jainne Santana. O Desejo, a Traição e a Tradição: A “Alma Imoral” À Luz Da Psicanálise. Revista Lumen Et Virtus. Vol VIII nº 20, 2017

FREUD, Sigmund. O Mal-Estar Na Civilização, Novas Conferências Introdutórias À Psicanálise e Outros Textos (1930-1936); Obras Completas, Vol.18. Tradução Paulo Cezar de Souza. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2010.



How to Cite

TRADITION AND BETRAYAL: THE "IMMORAL SOUL" FROM A PSYCHOANALYTIC POINT OF VIEW . (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e414301.