Education. Management. Pedagogical Political Project.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to investigate the construction of the PPP – Pedagogical Political Project and the democratic participation of school management with regard to the elaboration of active methodologies for the constitution of such educational regiment. Therefore, it is added that the PPP is defined as a path used by the school unit with the purpose of achieving its objectives, and that it is aligned with the school's guidelines, helping them to select the best choices, and should be respected and used by all those who make up the unit, always in a democratic and harmonious way. during the school year. In order to discuss this subject, a theoretical-bibliographic research was carried out, through consultation with studies by specialists in the literature pertinent to the theme addressed here, seeking to better understand, due to its complexity, the process of organization and construction of this document and its importance for the educational practice developed in the school environment. Thus, in view of the scenario that addresses theory and practice, there is a need to develop a reflection on the importance of building the PPP in the management of a public school in a democratic way, which clearly justifies the need to build and appreciate this work.
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