Pandemic. Distance learning. COVID-19.Abstract
The year 2020 has already become historic due to the pandemic, making it an atypical year. Covid-19 forced professionals from all areas to reinvent themselves, and educational leadership was no different. Even the most resilient distance learning teachers had to get used to or adapt to the new reality. It was then necessary to improve school management in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Distance learning is already an old reality; Even the most skeptical have already realized this, and he was very present during the pandemic period to protect the health of teachers and students. We cannot ignore the astonishing data on the number of deaths caused by this epidemic. A real disaster that makes us think more and more about how we should act to minimize this situation. At this point we want to emphasize that the effort to overcome these analytical limits has led us to ask how states, especially the state of Brazil, can create a pandemic reality based on this data. In other words, the way public leaders manipulate and disseminate the results of the analysis of this data can affect people's daily lives. And these actions have led to a decrease in the level of Covid-19 infection in the country. In view of the above, the objective here was to understand how school and classroom management was carried out in the context of social isolation in pandemic times.
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