Education. School. Technology. Inclusion. Pedagogy.Abstract
This study consists of a theoretical-bibliographic research on the use of Digital Technologies as conditioning tools of active methodologies for the process of inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs in educational spaces. The search for a meaningful education for all that welcomes the diversity that exists in the school context is the focus of this investigation. Thus, the study proposal revolves around the reflection on the pedagogical use of digital technologies as instruments to stimulate the skills and competencies of students with Special Educational Needs. Digital technologies are increasingly present in modern society, integrating the various social spheres. The school has been considered one of the social environments that have benefited the most from these technologies. Thus, the use of digital technologies as a pedagogical support mechanism in educational institutions enables the development of a diversified, dynamic and satisfactory educational practice that respects the specificities of each student. They can be used to help students with Special Educational Needs to overcome their limitations and participate effectively in the educational process as they enable different ways of understanding the knowledge worked on in schools. Therefore, it is essential that teachers find in digital technologies a support to make their praxis more accessible to all students. From this perspective, it is necessary to understand the role of the teacher in this context focused on inclusion, as well as the possible contributions of digital technologies as tools to aid in the development of students with Special Educational Needs.
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