Education. Human rights. School. Teaching.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to develop a reflexive approach, in order to ascertain the opinions of Human Rights and Citizenship, in view of the work of School Management, existing in the pedagogical practices of Early Childhood Education teachers and to continue the journey that concludes the graduation in Pedagogy, with the presentation of a theme that encompasses Early Childhood Education. To this end, we sought to carry out a bibliographic research, based on renowned authors and their notes on the theme presented here. Thus, through this reflexive approach, it was possible to discover that in the teaching pedagogical practice, the integration that involves Human Rights and Citizenship happens through rules and limits applied even before the teacher starts his activities, as well as when he seeks to develop a work that addresses more complex themes such as homophobia, sexuality, bullying, bullying, among others. In view of this, it is relevant to point out that Early Childhood Education has as its fundamental purpose the formative process of cultural and social character of the subject, that is, of children up to five years of age. In this panorama, we find the school manager and his work.
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