Literacy. Literacy. Teaching. School.Abstract
The main purpose of this work is to highlight the importance of Early Childhood Education so that literacy is evidenced in this period as a pedagogical mechanism inclined to playfulness in literacy. Therefore, in order to support the research carried out and promote pertinent information about the theme presented, it was necessary to produce a theoretical-reflexive approach of a bibliographic nature, with a conceptual basis from authors specialized in this literature. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that Early Childhood Education is a very important stage for the child's intellectual life, because it is during this period that he goes through the process of evolution, which requires the school to implement educational practices that provide children with meaningful experiences. Thus, it is believed that the insertion of activities inclined to playfulness, in addition to providing moments of pleasure and fun, also develops students' skills and competencies. Early Childhood Education does not have literacy as its purpose pure and simple, however, it moves towards the pedagogical mechanisms manifesting themselves in such a way that the school environment is transformed into a place of reflection, leading the student to think about the world around him and put into practice literacy daily through the reading process.
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