Avalanche, Percolation, homogeneous percolationAbstract
Avalanches are specialized solids flows and are observed as a percolation network. This hypothesis will be considered, no sense of finding out if this treatment is possible and what are its advantages. The work of Hinrichsen, which is not a clear distinction on the percolative model these events describe, whether homogeneous or not homogeneous. The work aims to show that these avalanche events can be classified as a case of homogeneous percolation, because in Hinrichsen, as a simulation of certain Homogeneous percolation characteristics. Based on the hypothesis that as avalanches can be treated as a percolation network, we bring light, qualitative data of this hypothesis as the characteristic behavior of avalanches and a presence of phase transition. In relation to the quantitative, presentation and performance of the model through the measurement and analysis of simulated events. And finally, an equation model is introduced that is able to predict a probability that an avalanche will extend to a certain extent.
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