



Allium sativum, Essential oil, Anti-Bacterial


Garlic (Allium sativum) is a very common spice and rich in health benefits, this is due to its various bioactive compounds. In recent times, it is clear that studies on the antimicrobial activity of garlic have gained great visibility, especially with regard to essential oils (EOs) and their effectiveness against numerous species of microorganisms (MO). There are several methods that can be used, one of the main and most used being hydrodistillation. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of garlic essential oil extracted through hydrodistillation with a multienzymatic extract, by immersing it in melting discs applied to agar and strains of S. aureus. A. sativum oil with active compounds was developed, using the active enzyme from the fungus Rhizopus microsporus for extraction. They showed no changes or halo formation, indicating that this EO with Rhizopus microsporus extract does not have antibacterial activity against S. aureus. Given this, it is necessary to carry out other studies on the topic addressed, with the aim of expanding knowledge and benefiting the target audience to combat bacterial resistance, with proven effectiveness and due safety for the consumer.


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Author Biographies

  • Lívia Silva Lopes

    Bachelor of Pharmacy from Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - FAINOR

  • Rodrigo Sousa de Barros

    Bachelor of Pharmacy from Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - FAINOR

  • Vanessa do Nascimento Santos

    Bachelor of Pharmacy from Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - FAINOR

  • Vitor Mateus Figueiredo Pereira

    Bachelor of Pharmacy from Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - FAINOR

  • Sofia Pereira Freitas

    Teacher, advisor at Faculdade Independente do Nordeste - FAINOR


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How to Cite

EVALUATION OF THE IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL ACTION OF GARLIC ESSENTIAL OIL (Allium sativum), AGAINST STRAINS OF Staphylococcus aureus . (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114467. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i11.4467