experiences, design, multidisciplinary, well-being, positive psychologyAbstract
Multidisciplinary design and positive psychology are assimilated into theories in the experiences of subjective well-being. The article questions whether it is possible for a conceptual model based on positive experiences to become a decisive factor in choosing where a user can stay? Knowledge correlates in the evidence, justified in this article, in fruitful solutions in providing positive experiences. The objective of the proposal was the crossing of theories and the application of field research that resulted in a conceptual model about positive experiences, reproduced for a hostel. It is suggested to apply the theories addressed by the mentioned authors, as a basis for the structure of the questionnaire, for an experience of well-being for the user, enabling satisfaction, pleasure and meanings. Responding to the objective of this article, it is evident from the data collected that it is possible to offer positive experiences through a hostel and be the determining factor of choice for a user. It becomes evident in the multidisciplinary of the areas, relating them in what they propose experiences in subjectivity about well-being
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