Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Motor SkillsAbstract
Introduction: The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a set of neurodevelopmental alterations that affect socialization, communication, and motor skills. Its etiology is associated with multiple factors, which can be genetic or neurobiological. Recent studies highlight motor deficits as an influence on other aspects of ASD, and physiotherapy can benefit motor and interpersonal development, adapting to individual needs. The objective is to describe the role of physiotherapy in motor disorders in children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This is a literature review, comprising individuals aged 2 to 15 diagnosed with ASD, focusing on studies related to motor interventions from 2013 to 2023. Results: The analysis showed us that motor alterations occur due to low muscle tone, impaired postural control, motor planning, and coordination disorder. Physiotherapy intervention is essential in motor alterations and development, and early intervention in these skills will also help with interaction and sensory integration. The studies show that physiotherapy is of paramount importance for development to occur more effectively and accurately, thus preventing potential delays in motor skills. In addition to its contribution to motor skills, physiotherapy also influences social and communicative behavior, thereby increasing a child's integration into society.
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