Reuse. Porosity. Resistance.Abstract
Ecological awareness is increasingly present in society and in the consumer sector, imposing requirements on the industrial sector that go through the low impact before and after the production of the product, currently there is a great concern of the construction industry regarding the reuse and recycling of the waste produced. The civil construction sector has considered the possibility of incorporating solid waste, as a substitute for natural aggregates, for the preparation of non-structural concrete. Emphasizing the need to carry out further studies in this area, in order to obtain a cementitious matrix of acceptable quality by the standards that govern structural elements in civil construction. In the study, the collection of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) was carried out in the municipality of Paragominas-PA, the collection method was "house to house". In total, six hundred and ninety-three kilograms and ninety-six grams of CDW were collected, these were characterized and the substitution used in this work was 100% of the coarse aggregate, after the preparation of the specimen, the cementitious matrix was characterized, in which the void index and pH indicator were determined, all results were statistically treated. The data obtained showed that the average size of gravel 2 and 3 proved to be an excellent size for the CDW to be used in the cementitious matrix in place of coarse aggregate.
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