


education, innovation, research


The Brasil Afrotech Map is developed based on the proposition of visibility of professors, researchers and their respective research projects. The methods in this work are based on applications that use software related to digital media. The basic premise arises from the lack of information related to the dissemination of academic and research projects, in this case, in the academic field of Afro-descendent. The result demonstrate the participation and/or coordination – of scientists, teachers and researchers of Afro-descendent in university institutions, innovation or technological development, in Brazilian organizations.


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Author Biographies

  • Odair Marques da Silva

    Degree in Science from USJT, specialization in System Analysis from PUCCAMP, master degree in Quality Management from FEM/UNICAMP and PhD in Cultural Sciences from UTAD/Portugal. Author of several books and articles, notably the book 'Atlas Geocultural da África', organizer of books in the collection Pedagogia Social, author of the website, CEO of the publishing house

  • João Vilhete Viegas D'Abreu,

    Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from UNICAMP (1986), Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from UNICAMP (1994) and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2002). He is a researcher at the Center for Applied Informatics Education to Education (NIED). It is part of the FORMAR Sciences group at the Faculty of Education FE/UNICAMP.


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How to Cite

BRASIL AFROTECH MAP. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(12), e4124609.