Municipal Chambers, Legislative Process, Digital Tools, Seridó PotiguarAbstract
This study analyzes some digital tools used by Municipal Chambers. To this end, we used the products offered by the Interlegis Program, created by the Federal Senate, and by the GOV.BR Electronic Signature, which were launched by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services. Thus, this research sought to verify the benefits provided by using these available equipments, mainly in a virtual environment. One of the relevant points is the explanation of each tool and its functions, pointing out the Municipal Chambers that, in the Seridó Potiguar region, already make use of some of them in activities and services. Furthermore, at the end, the benefits caused by the use of these instruments within the scope of Municipal Chambers will be indicated, which impact both the internal services of the same, the legislative process and, also, external activities
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