



Integrative review. Learning in mathematics. Learning objects.


The use of Learning Objects (LOs) aligns with digital education as a way to support students' learning in Mathematics, considering that learning Mathematics is not considered an easy task in the school context. The objective of this article is to understand how LOs are used in Mathematics education and their relevance to students' learning. An integrative literature review was conducted, consulting the SciELO and IEEE Xplore databases from 2012 to 2022. A total of 452 articles were found, and after analysis, 10 studies were selected to compose the study. The results indicate that the implementation of LOs in the context of Mathematics teaching is of utmost importance, but it needs to be accompanied by reflection and planning on the part of teachers.


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Author Biographies

  • Ivam Galvão Filho

    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento - PPGEGC – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Florianópolis – Brasil.

  • Gustavo Madeira da Silveira

    PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management (PPGEGC) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Master in "Applied Social Research in the Environment" from the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO/ESP). He has an MBA in Agile Project Management from the Santa Catarina Industry Federation (FIESC/SENAI). He has a postgraduate Specialization in National and International Environmental Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Specialization in Diffuse and Collective Rights from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL) and Specialization in Environmental Law from UNISUL. Professor at UNISUL where he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Professor at the Civil Police Academy of Santa Catarina (ACADEPOL) where he teaches postgraduate courses. He is a member of the Research Center on "Intelligence, Management and Technology for Innovation" linked to PPGEGC / UFSC. Police Chief of the Civil Police of Santa Catarina (PCSC) where he serves as Director of Intelligence. He works in the areas of public law, technology and innovation in public security, and planning and management of public security projects.

  • Magda Camargo Lange Ramos

    PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC. Master in Production Engineering from UFSC. Specialist in University Management from UFSC. Graduated in Library Science and Documentation from UFSC. In-person and EAD Teacher at UniSENAI/Florianópolis, teaching Curricular Units such as People Management, Knowledge Management, Human Relations, Oral and Written Communication, Scientific Methodology, Research Methodology, among others, also working in the guidance of TCCs for Undergraduate and Postgraduate, from 2006 to the present date.

  • Vania Ribas Ulbricht

    She has a degree in Mathematics, a master's degree and a doctorate in Production Engineering from UFSC. She was a visiting professor at the Federal University of Paraná in the Postgraduate Program in Design (2012-2014). She was a Researcher at Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). She provides voluntary service at UFSC's PPEGC. She was a fellow in Productivity and Technological Development and Innovative Extension from 2009 to 2013, DT / CNPq. Project coordinator: Media, Technologies and Language Resources for a learning environment accessible to the deaf, approved by the CNPq through CALL N 84/2013 MCTI-SECIS/CNPq- ASSISTANT TECNOLOGY / B - Emerging Centers She was a CNPq scholarship holder in the DTI modality -A. She has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Educational Technology, working mainly on the following topics: accessibility, teaching-learning, hypermedia, hypermedia design, geometry and descriptive geometry. Since 1981, she has coordinated several national and international events, among which the following stand out: the National Congress of Design, Gráphicas, Conahpas and Cinahpas. She is a volunteer full professor and permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management at UFSC. Since 2014, she has been leader of the Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technologies Center registered with CNPq. Specialist in Neuroscience 2021, by the Institute for Educational Development (IDE)https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6257-0557


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How to Cite

LEARNING OBJECTS IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(12), e4124721. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i12.4721