present study aims to discuss the BNCC, which is characterized as a curricularAbstract
The present study aims to discuss the BNCC, which is characterized as a curricular proposal responsible for the referral of both States and Municipalities, with interest in the process of restructuring and renewal of educational curricula. Within this perspective, the interest falls on the initial and permanent training of teachers who work in Basic Education, since the LDB (9.394/96) displays the BNCC as a sphere of adaptation of the curriculum. Therefore, the study presented here seeks to develop a more attentive and detailed investigation of the references offered in the BNCC, with interest in the implementation of the new curricula in relation to the teacher training process. Thus, the main objective of this work is to understand the way in which the conversation between curriculum and teacher training is developing in the BNCC proposal. To this end, a theoretical-bibliographic research was carried out with authors of the literature in question, to better substantiate the entire approach that will be developed in this study. On the other hand, this reflective walk seeks to become a complement capable of assisting in the understanding of teacher training in Basic Education, and they will be the main actors in the effectiveness of the curriculum in the educational environment.
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