


Plant growth., Sound waves., Plant propagation.


The present study aimed to investigate the growth of the plant species Ruta graveolens L. (rue) under different frequencies and sound intensities. For this purpose, we used 30 individual repetitions of rue distributed across 5 treatments with 6 plant repetitions each. The investigated treatments were T1 (control with natural sound wave conditions); T2 [90 decibels (dB) & 2000 hertz (Hz)]; T3 [90 dB & 1000 Hz]; T4 [60 dB & 2000 Hz]; T5 [60 dB & 1000 Hz], and each of these repetitions was spaced apart to avoid overlap between treatments. The plants were cultivated for 21 days, and sound frequencies were added between 07:00 AM and 08:00 AM daily. The experiment measured the growth of leaves, stems, and roots. After obtaining the dry plant matter mass, we observed the promoting effect of treatments 'T3' and 'T5' on root biomass values. We speculate that growth alteration was promoted by phytohormones, although these were not evaluated in the present study. In conclusion, we accept the hypothesis that the plant species Ruta graveolens L. (rue) survives in the presence of different intensities and frequencies of sound.


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Author Biographies

  • Maria Heloisa de Medeiros Camargo

    Escola Estadual Ivens Vieira (Angatuba/SP).

  • Maria Julia de Medeiros Camargo

    Escola Estadual Ivens Vieira (Angatuba/SP).

  • Isabella Mesquita de Oliveira

    Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Ufscar.

  • Pedro Augusto Issa Gaspar

    Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Ufscar.

  • Carlos Gustavo Momberg da Silva

    Escola Estadual Prof. Orestes Óris de Albuquerque.

  • Daniel Baron

    Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR - Campus Lagoa do Sino (Buri/SP).


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How to Cite

DEMYSTIFYING BOTANICAL MYTHS THROUGH THE STUDY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e514779.