Disposal. Public real estate. Modernization of buildings. Military Police. Procurement.Abstract
The interest in the alienation of public assets arose from the need to better understand the subject in light of the opportunity to build a new headquarters for the 4th Military Police Battalion in the city of Maringá/PR. The objective of this study is to comprehend the rules surrounding the alienation of real estate assets from the public administration in light of the new law on bidding and administrative contracts (Law No. 14,133/2021) and Decree No. 10,086/2022, which regulated said law by the Government of Paraná, and to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of this procedure in modernizing the buildings of the units of the Military Police of Paraná, without burdening public funds. Through bibliographic research, we seek to examine other regulatory norms that address the topic, as well as processes for alienating public real estate that can serve as a model or foster discussion on the subject within the Military Police of Paraná.
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