Operational Design, Public Safety, Interagency OperationsAbstract
The Design of Operations in Public Safetyis a Strategic Tool that using a systemic planning method, a proper management and effective coordination and control are capable of generating value. The creation of systems, the systematization of processes and the optimization of resources in the search of more efficient and effective results. This paper is based on an investigation in the field of design management, related to its level of engagement in the organizations: the strategic, tactical/functional and the operational. To do so, it is necessary to expose the planning process in a chronological sequence, starting from the prime analysis of the operational environment, after that, the evaluation of the problem, the definition of the objectives, to finally the fixation of the decisive points to achieve the “final desired state”. In this way, it will avoid the over position of efforts and the implementation of empirical actions that could compromise the results and waste resources. So it objectivate the presentation of a easy assimilation tool for the agencies involved in interagency operations, so that the planning and execution process won’t be based on data presentation and merely formal events, that are focused specifically on protocols, but in a visually interesting approach, based on design, with a junction of art and linear thinking, permitting to facilitate the correct understanding of objectives, goals and necessities of each agency involved in the operation, without the necessity of developing long detailed texts that need hours of lecture and comprehension from the involved agencies.
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