


Primitive reflexes; Development; Optometry.


Primitive reflexes are an integral part of a newborn's survival mechanism and will naturally integrate during the first few years of life as more mature postural reflexes emerge. When one or more primitive reflexes are not integrated, failure in the development of motor skills, cognitive processing and emotional regulation of the individual may occur. The persistence of primary reflexes may indicate poor neurological development and immaturity of the nervous system. Through bibliographical reviews, correlations between retained primitive reflexes and disturbances in children's developmental skills are demonstrated. In a multidisciplinary environment, an optometrist is very important, as this is the agent of primary vision care, being able to perform evaluative tests and plan therapies for the integration of these primitive reflexes, thus providing a better quality of life for the patient. More research is needed on the usefulness of reflex integration techniques for improving motor, cognitive, and emotional functioning and improving overall quality of life.


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Author Biographies

  • Marcia Mantovani Pederssetti, Alpha

    Graduada em óptica e optometria (Braz Cubas), Especialista em optometria comportamental (ALPHA), Mestre em Eng. Quimica (UNIOESTE).

  • Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda

    Doutorado em Ciências da Saude (UML-FL) Graduado em Tecnologia em Óptica e Optometria - Universidade Braz Cubas(UBC). Especialista em Docência no ensino superior(UNIBF). Estudos de Oftalmologia (UNIBF). Pericia Judicial (IPEMIG)  Terapia Oftalmica (FACUMINAS) NeuroAprendizagem (FSG) MBA em Ergonomia (FI) Quiropraxia (FI) Professor Lato Sensu FAELO/PE e ALPHA/PE. VP e 7a. cadeira da Academia Brasileira da Visão - ABV.


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How to Cite

PRIMITIVE REFLEXES: OPTOMETRIC THERAPY. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(3), e535006.