Scientific Writing; Scientific articles; Scientific publications; Scientific researchAbstract
Beginning researchers find it difficult to write scientific articles and often do not have adequate guidance for their research work, as well as how to present their research for publication. However, in many cases, the evolution of a researcher's career towards qualification, or obtaining a grant for their research, is linked to their publications. The objective of this article is to describe and suggest the stages of constructing a scientific article, as well as its basic structure and content. Remembering that each publication – here being referred to as: magazines, periodicals, seminars, congresses, master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, defines its own format. In this way, this article will contribute to the development of the scientific publication format for researchers in general. Like all scientific work, this began with an exploratory bibliographical research on the topic. However, it was also constructed from observations of the structure of many articles that served as the basis for the author's (master's) dissertation and (doctoral) thesis. Describe the main sections that a scientific work should contain, the elements present in its format and suggestions in its content, and to make the work more attractive and acceptable for publication.
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