
  • Andressa Alves Ventura
  • Camyla de Sousa Franco Ferreira



12x36 working hours. Worker's health. Flexibility., Workers' health. Flexibilization. 12x36 working day. Labor law.


This article aims to understand the 12x36 working day and its impacts on worker health. Being considered one of the factors for the registration of work accidents. The methodology used was through a bibliographical review, which analyzed the regulation of the 12x36 working day with the implementation of law 13,467/2017 in light of article 59-A of the CLT, which allows employees and employers to reach an agreement on the adjustments to these journeys, previously permitted through collective agreements or conventions. As a consequence, in response to the problem addressed in the article, they indicate that a 12-hour working day followed by 36 hours of rest could have adverse effects on the worker's health, such as tiredness, fatigue, damage to personal, family and social relationships, as well as It may affect your physical and mental health, which may reflect on the quality of your work. Furthermore, as a result of the changes in the Labor Reform, workers lost the right to double remuneration on holidays and Sundays worked, which could further aggravate the negative impacts on their health.



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Author Biographies

  • Andressa Alves Ventura

    Discente do curso de Direito do Centro Universitário de Goiatuba-Unicerrado.

  • Camyla de Sousa Franco Ferreira

    Docente do curso de Direito do Centro Universitário de Goiatuba-Unicerrado.  


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How to Cite

THE 12X36 WORKING DAY AND THE IMPACTS ON WORKER’S HEALTH. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(4), e545015.