ChatGPT, education, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The capacity of vision to expand critical thinking to information and human enhancement is undeniable. In this stance, this article aims to explore the seriousness of ChatGPT in education as an integral tool in studies in Basic Education. Thus, it seeks to identify the new challenges with the aid of CHATGPT in Education. It is fundamental to understand how these changes can be effectively incorporated using artificial intelligence to enhance its learning process. The research was based on a bibliographic methodology of authors related to the integration of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, and technology utilization, leveraging the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) as exemplified by Santaella (2023), Rocha (2023), Lemos (2021), Góes and de Magalhães Porto (2023), Levy (2010). However, it examined the functionality of the application, studies discussing the impacts of ChatGPT on pedagogical activities, with the study also including research on the opportunity to find writing techniques for both teachers and students. The results pointed to new changes that ChatGPT in education can bring in benefits, aligned with teaching, in promoting complementary mechanisms, developing skills in the educational sector.
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