


Project Management, Project Management Tools, Software Project Management, Agile Project Management, Survey Research


In recent years, the global information technology (IT) market has grown significantly, with high investments, making software and equipment developers increasingly demanded and challenged. In this context, systems are becoming increasingly complex. Managing projects in these increasingly challenging conditions requires development teams to use tools that enable good management. The objective of this article is to identify the main tools currently used in software development project management, so that these tools are highlighted in the Innovation Project Management course taught in the Computer Engineering training course. This way, we intend to update students on the main resources available for working in Project Management. Like all scientific work, it began with an exploratory bibliographical research on the topic – Software Project Management Tools, in the main databases. Then, a survey research was carried out with students from the Computer Engineering course (approximately 120 students), who were undergoing internships, lasting several semesters, in addition to consulting another 23 technology companies in the region. This survey was collected using Google Form, from Nov/2023 to Jan/2024. In this survey we received 27 responses in return, approximately 18.8% of the questionnaires sent. From the survey research, the main tools used in Software Development Project Management were identified, which were: SCRUM, Kanban, Microsoft Excel, Design Thinking, Azure Devops, MS Project, and Activity Diagram. Also, as responses, we obtained that 44.4% of the responding companies were large with more than 100 employees and 55.5% of the companies were in the services area.


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Author Biographies

  • Francisco Ignácio Giocondo César
    Mechanical Engineer (UNESP), Master's and Doctorate in Production Engineering from the Methodist University of Piracicaba - UNIMEP, Post Doc FCA UNICAMP.
  • Antônio Sergio Martins Junior

    MBA Transformação Digital na Industria, Aluno, FEQ UNICAMP – ORCID ID – 0000-0002-3102-2283

  • Ieda Kanashiro Makiya

    Professora Associada, Docente, FCA UNICAMP – Coordenadora SB-Lab

       ORCID ID – 0000-0002-7607-6939


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How to Cite

PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: A SURVEY RESEARCH. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(4), e545064.