


Psychomotricity. Play. Learning. Early childhood education. Child Development.


Psychomotricity as a pedagogical resource contributes to the healthy and integral development of children, as by promoting integration between the body and mind, it stimulates motor, cognitive and emotional skills, promoting learning in a playful and pleasurable way, as well as favoring the well-being. Early childhood education along with psychomotor skills plays a fundamental role in the teaching/learning process of children, ensuring they receive the necessary psychomotor stimuli according to their age group, respecting their individualities and needs, as it is at this stage that they begin to build the foundations for future learning, which significantly contributes to the integral development of children. Psychomotricity in early childhood education allows children to explore and understand the world and themselves through movement, enabling sensory and bodily experiences through games, games and playful activities, stimulating learning in a pleasurable way, in addition to improving motor skills , cognitive and emotional. Given this, the general objective is to highlight the relevance of psychomotor skills in early childhood education, so that the moving body is the protagonist of the teaching/learning process, as well as the development of psychomotor functions that occur in a healthy and balanced way at this stage. To this end, throughout the text, authors will be mentioned who understand and discuss the theoretical foundations of psychomotricity, emphasizing this relationship between the mind and bodily action in early childhood, along with pedagogical practices that help in the integral development of children.


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Author Biographies

  • Graciele Aparecida Porn

    Acadêmica do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual do Paraná- Campus União da Vitória.

  • Rejane Steidel

    Professora Mestre em Educação. Professora do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual do Paraná-Campus União da Vitória.


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How to Cite

PSYCHOMOTRICITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: A LOOK AT THE TEACHING/LEARNING PROCESS. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e515135.