
  • Gilmar Lima Ferreira Filho



Public Administration and social needs.


What will be addressed in this will be the points of view about Public Administration and social needs. From the objective prospectus, Public Administration is the set of activities aimed at satisfying the public interest, from a subjective point of view, it is the organic structuring of entities whose function is to manage. It is only conceived within a State, therefore, this administration has some essential objectives to be carried out, such as external defense, internal public order, organization and obtaining economic means. But, along with these objectives, the Public Administration must try to do everything that makes possible the maintenance and even the improvement of social coexistence. Therefore, the Public Administration, driven by this desire to balance coexistence factors, increases its intervention in community life, correcting the inequalities that arise in the free play of individualistic interests. In any case, the achievement of general interest objectives outlines the basic idea of ​​the administrative function, which essentially projects itself in the activities of police, public service and promotion.


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Author Biography

  • Gilmar Lima Ferreira Filho

    Graduado em Administração na Faculdade ULBRA, estudante de pós-graduação em Administração Pública e Gestão em Segurança Pública na Faculdade Faveni.


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How to Cite

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL NEEDS. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(4), e54525.