Obesity, Childhood, Eating habitsAbstract
Childhood obesity, affecting over 340,000 Brazilian children aged 5 to 10, is a prevalent chronic condition defined by the World Health Organization as harmful excess body fat. Its causes are multifaceted, encompassing environmental, psychological, and socioeconomic factors. Parents' accurate perception of their children's nutritional status is pivotal in addressing and managing obesity, yet many misjudge their children's weight, impacting eating behaviors and health negatively. Research indicates a direct correlation between parental and children's eating habits, with offspring often mirroring diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Conversely, the early introduction of ultra-processed foods escalates obesity rates, underscoring the necessity for proper dietary guidance. Anthropometric evaluations, utilizing metrics like weight and height to calculate BMI, are indispensable in identifying and averting nutritional imbalances in children. Encouraging healthy dietary practices from an early age is vital in staving off chronic illnesses and safeguarding children's well-being. Family dynamics profoundly influence children's eating behaviors, emphasizing the importance of fostering a wholesome environment and modeling positive dietary choices. Educating parents on accurately discerning their children's nutritional status and fostering nutritious eating habits constitutes pivotal strides in mitigating childhood obesity. By emphasizing these aspects, stakeholders can collaboratively address this pervasive health concern and cultivate healthier futures for children worldwide.
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