Emotions. Distance Learning. Emergency Remote Teaching. Digital TechnologiesAbstract
The present investigation aims to analyze the response of the emotional impact of the new coronavirus pandemic, as well as the emergency remote teaching in a group of middle school children, parents, and teachers.We developed a brief literature review on the scientific study of emotions, from its origins to the present day, seeking to improve the knowledge of this area that has such an influence on human behavior, the expression of feelings, and the ways of acting when facing specific situations. The study of emotions was crucial to understanding the reflexes of the pandemic and the emergency remote teaching in children, parents, and teachers since each situation experienced can lead to both positive and negative reactions.We also developed a literature review on the concepts of online learning, distance learning, and emergency remote teaching. The experiences in some of these studies highlighted distance learning practices that have been going on for quite some time. Some of the authors referred to in this study analyzed the progress, difficulties, and experiences related to emergency remote teaching.The methodology in this study was a questionnaire survey on two concepts under analysis: perceived emotions and the use of digital technologies before and during the pandemic. The surveys were applied to a non-probabilistic sample of students, parents, and teachers from some middle schools in cities along the coast of Paraná.
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