Scientific research. Methodology. Study. Knowledge.Abstract
Scientific research plays a crucial role in expanding knowledge in various areas of knowledge. To ensure the effectiveness of this research, it is essential to use appropriate methodologies, classified according to their objectives and approaches. It is essential to understand the various methodologies, as well as their justifications and theoretical and practical contributions, within this context. The objective of this article is to discuss the methodologies and classifications of scientific research, highlighting the different types of existing research and their distinctive characteristics. Understanding the different methodological approaches and research classifications is fundamental for researchers, as this allows them to choose the best strategy to investigate a given scientific problem. The methodology adopted to carry out this article will be bibliographical research, a fundamental step in any academic or scientific work. It consists of the search, selection and analysis of sources of information relevant to the topic in question. The sources used will be books, articles, theses, dissertations, technical reports, among others. It is concluded that the methodologies and classifications of scientific research play a fundamental role in the quality and relevance of the studies carried out. By adopting a rigorous and systematic approach to their work, researchers can overcome research limitations and contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in their areas of expertise.
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