Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Cervical Cancer, Uterine Cervical Erosion, Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the CervixAbstract
The Cervical Cancer Information System (SISCOLO) is an important tool for monitoring the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer (CCU), however, many women are still not fully adherent. Method: Ecological study with secondary data regarding the reason for carrying out the exam (tracking, repetition and follow-up) in Brazilian women aged 25 to 69 and associated factors (2013-2022). Data collected on the DataSUS website. Results: Analyzing education, a statistical difference was noticed between women with completed secondary education and those who were illiterate (p=0.040). According to the regions, the total number of exams showed no statistical differences. The majority of exams carried out are for Screening and no statistically significant correlation was found between education and reason for Screening in any of the regions (p > 0.05). Discussion: It is possible to infer that education is not directly related to the rate of carrying out oncotic cytology exams, different from what Garbanati and collaborators (2019) mention when mentioning that the performance of exams is lower in women with less education and low income . Furthermore, the Pap smear as a means of screening for CC proved to be effective when compared to others. Conclusion: It is concluded that oncotic cytology is the main screening tool for CC and should be widely disseminated to women throughout Brazil, since education is not related to the performance of cytology and that its performance is effective compared to exams of repetition and follow-up.
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