


Education. Curriculum. Gender and Angola.


The general objective of this article is to understand education as a teaching process: plan, curriculum and gender inclusion in Angola. Specific objectives are to analyze education, with emphasis on aspects related to curriculum and gender, identify the causes of advances and setbacks in Angolan education, understand the role of the executive in education policies and construction of gender identity. Education in Angola has gone through moments of advances and setbacks, the latter being what has been conditioning the development and desirable growth of this sector, and consequently the progress of the country. Thus, we intend, through bibliographic research, to analyze the advances versus setbacks of education in Angola taking into account the investment that the Government has been making available for this key area and determining for the development of the country. The analysis carried out through documents from some legislation and other formal documents of the Republic of Angola, especially the General Budgets from 2002 to 2023, demonstrated that the country faces serious problems in the valorization of its educational system, taking  into account the investment that has been allocated in this area of ​​knowledge compared to that recommended by UNESCO.




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Author Biography

  • Francisco Alberto Mafuani, UNIVERSIDADE AGOSTINHO NETO

    Doutor em Filosofia de Administração de Negócios Internacionais, pela Florida Christian University, Mestre em Governação e Políticas Públicas pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto, Graduado em Administração opção Comércio Exterior pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior de Bauru.


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How to Cite

EDUCATION AS A TEACHING PROCESS: CURRICULAR PLAN AND GENDER INCLUSION IN ANGOLA: . (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(11), e5115874.