Fraud. Anti-Crime Package. Penal Code.Abstract
This research will address the jurisdiction of the crime of embezzlement with the changes to Law no. 13,964/2019 of the anti-crime package, or what was left of it, which was proposed by the former Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Moro; which will present considerable aspects about the changes introduced by the aforementioned law with regard to the crime of embezzlement, through the facilities regarding the virtual world and the use of new technologies. The general objective is to show the impacts brought about by the new law and also to raise questions about how to prevent and combat this new type of crime regarding the law. There is a large increase in fraud crimes, especially in the cyber sphere, which is why there needs to be a model for preventing and combating this new criminal species through the implementation of the law. Even though it is difficult to elucidate, the crime of embezzlement can be investigated and prosecuted more quickly, as indicated by the addition of paragraph 5 to article 171 of the Penal Code, making the action of the crime of embezzlement public conditional on representation (with exceptions). Through a bibliographic and legislative analysis, it is expected to seek data and facts regarding the change regarding the nature of the crime of embezzlement, specifically in the state of Goias.
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