Conflict Mediation. School Violence. Socio-emotional Education. Pedagogical Intervention.Abstract
The transition from Early Childhood Education to Elementary Education is a crucial process in the educational development of children, marked by challenges that involve pedagogical, social and emotional aspects. This period of change often generates conflicts that can negatively impact students' adaptation and the continuity of their development. The objective of this study is to analyze the main conflicts faced by children and educators during this transition, identifying their causes and proposing strategies to facilitate children's adaptation to the new school context. The methodology adopted was bibliographic, with a survey and analysis of academic works, scientific articles and official documents on the topic, focusing mainly on studies that discuss the transition between educational stages and recommended pedagogical practices. The research concludes that the transition to Elementary Education presents significant challenges, such as the change in the pace of teaching, the loss of the playful structure of Early Childhood Education and the different expectations regarding school performance. Strategies that promote greater coordination between professionals at both stages, in addition to an approach that respects the child's individual development, are essential to reduce conflicts and ensure a smoother and more effective transition.
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