


Allelic profile, Allele frequency, HLA, NGS


The 1990 Human Genome Project was an international public program that sought to map the human genome and understand the functions of each gene. It provided a worldwide incentive for scientific production, resulting in major technological advances in the area of ​​genetic sequencing, driving the evolution of techniques from the Sanger method (1970s) to the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) currently used. This technique is widely used in HLA genetic typing, a very important piece of information for the success of organ and tissue transplants, especially bone marrow, where compatibility must be almost 100%. This project aims to present the allele frequency and HLA profile of the population of Espírito Santo (ES), obtained through four years of application of the NGS technique in the state of ES. This study analyzed the HLA genetic profile of the population of ES through 10,237 genetic typing reports performed between 2020 and 2024 in the only histocompatibility laboratory in the state. Using NGS data from the TSV (analysis software), allele frequencies were compared to international populations. The most frequent alleles corresponded mainly to European populations and caucasian descendants, with a surprising presence of Asian profiles, despite the low representation of Asian individuals in the state. A significant occurrence of the HLA-B*51:01:01 allele was also observed, associated with the risk of Behçet's disease, indicating the need for further studies to investigate the genetic predisposition to this condition among Espírito Santo residents. The research contributes to local genetic understanding, assisting public health in donation and transplant campaigns.


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Author Biographies

  • Suzana Biccas da Silva

    UniSales - Centro Universitário Salesiano.


  • Nataly Senna Gerhardt Barraqui

    Doutora em Biologia Vegetal  pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES); Mestra no mesmo programa (UFES); onde atuou com qualidade pós-colheita; estádios de maturação; quimiometria e quimiótipos da espécie Schinus terebinthifolia (aroeira). Graduada em Ciências Biológicas Bacharelado  e Licenciatura no Centro Universitário Salesiano. Docente no Centro Universitário Salesiano (UNISALES)  de Ensino Superior do Cursos de Ciências Biológicas, Biomedicina, Engenharia Civil e Engenharia de Produção. 

  • Priscila Pinto de Souza Klippel

    Licenciada em Ciências Biológicas pela Faculdades Integradas São Pedro – FAESA/ES. Especialista em Qualidade no Serviço de Saúde pela Fundação Educacional Lucas Machado – FELUMA/MG.

  • Márcia Biccas

    Farmacêutica Bioquímica pela Faculdade de Farmácia e Bioquímica do Espírito Santo. Responsável Técnica no LIG Biologia Molecular e Imunogenética.


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How to Cite

PROFILE AND ALLELIC FREQUENCY OF HLA GENES IN THE POPULATION OF ESPÍRITO SANTO’S STATE. (2025). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 6(1), e616130.