Artisanal port; Financial Analysis and Economic Impact.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the port operations of the artisanal river trading post of Kimbumba regarding its economic impact of the activities carried out on the loading and unloading processes of goods and services, located in the center of the city of Soyo, Kunguyenguel neighborhood, region under study, among the object of analysis, the income of the protagonists as a source of livelihood for many families in the last three decades, especially dockers, owners and others. The research used the qualitative method, through discreet techniques, mathematical statistics and face-to-face interviews through dialogues with the owners of the functional spaces of the artisanal river port of Kimbumba and other participants in informal commercial activity, port and public employees of the municipality. The Kimbumba artisanal river port is privately owned by two families, notably the “Muamba” family. Its financial operations have a daily gross flow of three million three hundred and thirty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight kwanzas and five cents (3,335,328.5 AOA) and a monthly flow of around sixty-five million, six hundred and fifty-nine thousand, eight hundred and fifty-seven kwanzas (65,659,857 AOA).
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