School feeding, Public policies, Food and nutrition securityAbstract
This study analyzed the challenges faced by responsible agents of the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) in the commercialization of products from family farming in Piauí territories. Cross-sectional study that includes fifteen counties that integrate the regions of Serra da Capivara and Vale do Sambito. The choice of counties was based on purchase percentages between the years 2017 to 2018. The data collection was made through interviews with managers and/or nutritionists, Secretary of Agriculture and farmers. The data were typed in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet and analyzed in statistics software package called Stata version 1.2. The analysis between territories and independent variables were evaluated by Pearson’s Chi-square test (x²) and Exact Fisher’s test. The articulation between responsible agents, the schedule execution of the delivery products and elaboration of the sale projects by the farmers were highlighted as the main difficulties faced by managers and/or nutritionists. It was identified that managers know about the local production but they consider it as insufficient and with a few variety of products at all. Farmers highlighted some problems with operation of Municipal Inspection Seal, absence of Law and/or Decree in most of counties in addition to low productivity or irregularities in the offer of products, bureaucracy as well and lack of informations to join the programme. It is necessary a joint operation between responsible agents and execution of intersectorial actions to offer the demand for products that favor the scope of PNAE objectives.
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