


Management, Marketing, Culture, Brand


In the contemporary world, the market for works of art carries nuances as intriguing as the techniques and representations of artistic productions themselves. He moves high figures around the world - considering auctions, sales in art galleries, acquisitions of museums and even controversial illegal transactions, such as those that recently broke out in Operation Lava Jato. With this, from a bibliographic review and critical analysis of the artistic production of four renowned artists, the objective of this text is to present concepts and reflections on the contemporary art market and its (inter) connections with artistic organizations, as well as with artists. It is concluded that, in Contemporary Art, the artist whose works still do not have visibility in the art market, does not exist until someone as a recognized curator and / or collector turns it into a brand, or brand, mainly of luxury, besides of self-marketing.


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Author Biography

  • Romero de Albuquerque Maranhão

    Administrador, especialista em Gestão Ambiental, mestre em Geografia, doutor em Administração e pós-doutor em Educação.



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How to Cite

CONTEMPORARY ART MARKET, ORGANIZATIONS AND ARTISTS. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(9), e29675.