In order to respond to the problem of this research,, prenatal care, congenital syphilis, pregnantAbstract
In order to respond to the problem of this research, the objective was to identify the barriers in prenatal care for the prevention of vertical transmission of syphilis during pregnancy. This study is an integrative literature review, descriptive in nature and with a qualitative approach, with research carried out in the MEDLINE, LILACS and BDENF databases, which included complete works, in Portuguese and English, available electronically and free of charge, published in the period from 2016 to 2021 and which addressed the proposed theme. Works that did not address the subject of interest or did not answer the guiding question were excluded, as well as duplicated publications in more than one database. The study consisted of the analysis of 9 publications. The findings showed that the barriers in prenatal care for the prevention of CS were addressed in a diverse way in the literature. Thus, it is of great importance to highlight that despite the pregnant woman performing prenatal care correctly, there are still many flaws during this care, which generates negative impacts for both the pregnant woman and the newborn. It is concluded that the management of gestational syphilis has been performed incorrectly, through late diagnosis and, consequently, the non-performance of the treatment in the appropriate period, as well as the non-adherence to the therapeutic regimen by both the pregnant woman and her partner
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